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Traditional Reiki
In-Person: 60 minutes
Reiki uses Healing Touch to channel unconditional love and life force energy into your body through the 7 primary energy centers known as chakras - located at the crown of your head, forehead, throat, chest, abdomen and feet.

Traditional Reiki sessions will help you:
  • Relax your Nervous System
  • Rest and recover 
  • Transition and integrate life changes
  • Clear your auric felid
  • Balance your energy centers
  • Fully ground into your body
  • Recalibrate and update your system

Includes: crystal body layout & sound bowls.

$165 for adults
$150 for minors (5 years of age and up)


Mini Reiki
In-Person or Virtual: 30 minutes
Mini Reiki sessions will give you a quick energetic "tune-up" and deep relaxation. It’s ideal to use before or after body work such as acupuncture, massage and chiropractic care to strengthen its results. 

Includes: (3) chakra crystals, (1) sound bowl.
*Longer sessions are recommended for all first timers and/or focus on specific subjects.

$80 for adults only


In-Person: 75 minutes
Reiki+ adds an extra 15 minutes to your session for in-depth clarity on specific subjects and a complete energetic upgrade using: 

Deeper Reiki for emotional, physical, spiritual trauma.
ThetaHealing to identify and shift limiting beliefs and emotional blocks.
Human Design an aura, chakra and birth chart reading that aligns you with your unique life purpose.

Includes: crystal body layout & sound bowls.
*One or more of the modalities above will be combined with each session intuitively.

 $180 for adults only


Virtual: 60 minutes
A remote session is held over Zoom and has the same benefits of an in-person Reiki+ session with the flexibility of meeting in your private space. Energy flows where attention goes - distance healing creates a container for you to recalibrate and update your system, connect with your highest Truth and reclaim your personal power wherever you are! 

$165 for adults only


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Book your session [email protected]